BC Hospitals

Maternity Services in BC Hospitals

Your family physician, registered midwife or obstetrician will have privileges at one or more hospitals with maternity services. This means that the hospital has granted your care provider permission to care for you at that facility. If your care provider has privileges at more than one hospital, you may be able to select among facilities.

Your choice of hospital may also depend on the level of care you and your baby require. Talk to your care provider about the options that are available to you.

Labour and birth information for each hospital in British Columbia is available on Perinatal Services BC’s website.

PSBC provides these important perinatal rates:

  • vaginal delivery for first-time mothers;
  • repeat cesarean section before 39 weeks (early term);
  • post-date induction before 41 weeks;
  • exclusive use of intermittent auscultation (listening to fetal heart beats at specified intervals) during labour; and
  • babies who were breastfed from birth to discharge.

You can use this information to help you have informed conversations with your care provider about your labour and delivery options. Check out your hospital’s rates here.